Conheça a edição de 2019
Conheça a edição de 2019
Introduction to holistic body therapy and its benefits for orofacial treatment.
Goal: Improve oral motor-sensory and feeding skills
Beginning advice for orofacial therapy: Mouth and face belong to the most sensitive, delicate and intimate areas of our body.
All contact must be friendly, sensitive and careful.
It must convey security to the child and allow him/her enough time and space to feel confident. In some cases, however, children display a severe aversion to oral contact and even against feeding. Patience, careful attention and exercises can help treat this.
Defining useful terminology
Silent Motorica
Visual contact and regulation of head control, breathing and muscle tension
Muscle tension
The continuous and passive contraction of the muscles which helps maintain posture (i.e. hyper- and hypo-tonic muscle tension)
Muscle Chain
The complete chain of connected muscles in the entire body, from the toes to the head
Body directions
An anatomical description of the planes dividing the human body (cranial/towards the head; caudal/towards the coccyx; ventral/to the front; dorsal/to the back; lateral/left to right or right to left; diagonal/across the torso)
Distal (peripheral) impulses
increase of muscle tone (hypotonia)
improve breathing and straighten up against gravity
distal impulses continue into and influence the orofacial area
Distal impulses support the orofacial functions of eating and drinking
Regulation of the oro facial muscle motor activity (through rhythmical movement and vibration of distal impulses)
Regulates muscle tension and ensures proper body alignment by bringing muscles more oxygen and information through increased movement
Craniosacral therapy - skull exercises
Neuromotorical areas
Points on the face which receive sensory information when stimulated, and send it to the somatosensory cortex, which analyses the information and responds with motorical movement of facial muscles
Jaw control
Correct, symmetrical alignment of the lower and upper jaw and tongue control
The act of inhalation and exhalation bringing oxygen to the body; also regulates the body’s muscle tension and posture
Goals for Treatment:
Correct function of orofacial muscles through muscle chain (shoulder/hip girdle)
Correct body and head posture
Pelvis upright
Hands able to find the middle line
Prepare the body’s receptors for stimulation using the whole body (inc. distal points)
Manual jaw stabilization with head control in order to close the mouth and keep the tongue back
Improve function of all facial and intraoral muscles
Normalize breathing through nose
Improve swallowing function
Supporting Equipment
Orthodontic equipment, vibrating toys, tubes, suckers, etc.
Techniques and Positioning
Body position
Correct body control with head and torso in middle line
Vibration techniques
Short, intermittent vibration for hypotonic muscle tension
Long, sustained vibration for hypertonic muscle tension
Preparing the child for treatment using Silent Motorica
Regulating orofacial muscle tension
through rhythmical movement
through distal impulses (hands and feet)
Sensory integration
Regulating muscle tension for hypo- and hyper-tonic muscle tension
Massage for neurosensomotor areas of the body
Breathing exercises
Manual techniques of jaw control
Intraoral exercises (gum massage, palate massage)
(Idioma/Language: Português / Portuguese)
informar os diferentes profissionais sobre os seguintes temas:
-Mecanismo de proteção de via aérea;
-Impacto da traqueostomia na comunicação e na deglutição;
-Válvulas de Fala:
-Tipos, mecanismo de funcionamento, particularidades;
-Critérios de Indicação e Contra-indicação para o uso da Válvula de Fala;
-Protocolo de avaliação e utilização da válvula de fala e deglutição Passy-Muir em pacientes traqueostomizados não usuários de ventilação mecânica;
-Protocolo de avaliação e utilização da válvula de fala e deglutição Passy-Muir em pacientes traqueostomizados usuários de ventilação mecânica;
-Adequação dos parâmetros ventilatórios do respirador.
-Benefícios do uso da válvula de fala e deglutição;
-Avaliação de ocorrência de aprisionamento de ar (air trapping) com o uso da válvula, através da manometria de pressão trans-traqueal;
(Idioma/Language: Inglês / English)
(Idioma/Language: Inglês / English)
This workshop will provide an introductory overview of the key principles in evaluating patients who present with dysphagia as a result of surgery and/or chemo-radiation therapy for head and neck cancer. It will cover assessment and rehabilitation from pre-treatment through to acute management and longer-term rehabilitation. Group discussions will include examples of patient case studies so that participants can apply newly learned principles to hypothetical clinical scenarios.
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